The exhibition of "Mayors' award winners 2022"


You are invited to the Mayors’ award winners 2022 in the Gallery on the Cliff, 19 Ha’Maapilim St Netanya
Every year three artists who are members of the Association, are nominated by expert judges in the field of Art. They visit the annual exhibition and decide who is the winner- which means showing their work at the Gallery on the Cliff, the following year.
Along with the Culture Center Association, three artist will exhibit: Dalia Eilon Synclaior,Roni Rozen,Chen Leopold

Opening :4/6/23 at 19:30
Artistic accompanying Aviva Peretz
Gallery talk :Friday 9/6/23 at 11:00
Closing 18/6/23

The topics are:Dalia Eylon Synclair – the road in which me
Roni Rozen- men and other animals
Chen Leopold – Fall


Gallery on the Cliff
19 Ha’Maapilim St Netanya


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