Attractions and Culture

ABStudio Gallery

The gallery hosts exhibitions and various sales events in the fields of art and fashion.

Paiting workshops

The gallery is located in the center of the city and hosts exhibitions of plastic…

The Liberty Shofar

In honor of the declaration of Israel's establishment at the United Nations in November 1947

National Monument

Netanya Municipality in conjunction with the Prime Minister's Office, United Israel Appeal and the Russian…
National Monument GoNetanya

The Netanya Artists Association

The Netanya Artist's Association is composed of individual artists, creating and expressing themselves pluralistically according…

“Galleria Al Ha-tzuk” the Cliff

A fascinating tour at the upgraded 'Gallery on the Cliff". In this gallery there are…

The Wagon

During the war, most European Jews were murdered. A magnificent culture of more than two…

The Cultural Center

This is where the most recent and popular plays are performed, as well as musical…

The main Synagogue

The biggest central synagogue is located in the Herzel pedestrian walk close to the Atzmaut…
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