Mayor of Netanya Miriam Fierberg-Ikar and Mayor of Birstonas , Lithuania Nijole Dirginciene have signed on November 8th 2021 a twinning agreement.
The initiative came from the Lithuanian Embassy in Israel which plans to open an honorary Consulate in Netanya.
Birstonas is a recreation town in which spas and water treatments are famous. It is located 40 km south of Kovna and 90 km west of Vilna on the right bank of the river Nemunas and is considered one of the most visited and beautiful in Europe.
The participants of the ceremony were the two Mayors, the Lithuanian Ambassador in Israel Mrs Lina Antanaviciene, Mr Shay Shnitzer honorary Consul of Lithuania in Israel, representatives of the Commerce & Industry Israel-Lithuania Mr Rami Reznik and Tsachi Cohen, Mr Efraim Bulmash in charge of Tourism & Foreign affairs, Mrs Olga Lurie Manager of the Netanya Association for Tourism and delegates of the Birstonas Municipality.